• §32-4-1. General.
    • 1.1. Scope. -- This rule establishes the fees relating to the Board.
    • 1.2. Authority. -- W. Va. Code §§ 30-36-7 and 30-36-8.
    • 1.3. Filing Date. -- May 21, 1999.
    • 1.4. Effective Date. -- May 21, 1999.
  • §32-4-2. Application.
    • This rule applies to all applicants, licensed acupuncturists, student acupuncturists, apprenticed acupuncturists, and continuing education instructors.
  • §32-4-3. Fees.
    • 3.1. Application fee. -- The nonrefundable application fee is seventy-five dollars ($75.00).
    • 3.2. License fee. -- The initial license fee for a period of two years is four hundred and twenty five dollars ($425.00).
    • 3.3. Renewal fee. -- The renewal fee for a period of two years is four hundred and twenty-five dollars ($425.00).
    • 3.5. Inactive license. -- The biennial fee for an inactive license is three hundred and twenty-five ($325.00).
    • 3.6. Delinquency fee. -- The delinquency fee for late filing is fifty dollars ($50.00).
    • 3.7. Duplicate license fee. -- The fee for a duplicate or replacement engraved wall license is twenty-five dollars ($25). The fee for a duplicate or replacement renewal receipt or pocket license is ten dollars ($l0).
    • 3.9. Endorsement fee. -- The fee for a letter of endorsement is ten dollars ($l0).
  • §32-4-4. Acupuncture Tutorials.
    • Acupuncture tutorial instructors and acupuncture tutorial students shall pay on annual registration renewal fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) within 30 days of completion of one (1) year of an approved acupuncture tutorial.
  • §32-4-5. Continuing Education Providers.
    • The annual fee for approval for each provider of continuing education is $50.
  • §32-4-6. Expired License Renewal.
    • A lapsed or expired license may be renewed at any time within three years after its expiration. The licensee shall pay all accrued and unpaid renewal fees, plus the delinquency fee with the application for renewal.